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Alex Rios

Age: 33

City: Barcelona

Country: Spain

Occupation: Fishing Store Owner

Favorite Style of Fishing: Tropical and Exotic Fishing

Favorite Target: Argentina

Favorite DUO Lure: Press Bait 125 HD

Best DUO Catch: 70 kg Bluefin Tuna

What you like about DUO lures:  I appreciate the number of models for all kinds of different fish fishing situations worldwide. The quality of finishes is outstanding and its effectiveness in practice is brutal.

When did you start fishing: When I was 5 years

Dream place for fishing: Cosmoledo Island

The first Fang Ops member from Europe, Alex Rios has dedicated his life to sportfishing, both for freshwater and saltwater species. He lives for travelling to explore new waters, new species, new challenges. Known for taming varied species ranking from monster pikes and trouts all the way to triple digits weighing giant trevallys and dogtooth tunas, we are surely looking forward to see what “fangs” will bite his lures.